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Cavapoo Potty Training: Get Fast Results

It has to be one of the most feared aspects of getting a new puppy – potty training. The horror stories (videos, and photos) of toilet training gone wrong are enough to fill a new dog owner with...

Walking Your Cavapoo: How Far, How Often

Dog walking is one of the most beloved pastimes of dog owners around the world. It is a cherished routine which allows some quiet time for the owner and is adored by the dog themselves. While some...

Keep Cavapoo Safe in Yard (What to Avoid)

If you are fortunate enough to own a Cavapoo, and also have a yard outside at home for them to exercise in, then you will want to make sure that space is safe and sound. There are too many stories of...

Do Cavapoos Change Color: What to Expect

In the process of selecting a new Cavapoo puppy one of the biggest considerations for would-be owners is color. Whether you prefer brown, black, white or perhaps a bi-color or tri-color Cavapoo, one...